Friday, May 3, 2013
Loved the class
My final thoughts on English 1102 is that I wish I had taken Mrs Warren for 1101. Minus the fact that there was more work in this class. Alot more work. Sorry this Blog is going out so late I had a long day of work and a busy week with 3 finals.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Journal 8
This was an interesting movie and when talking of medical
ethics opens a very wide range of topics. There are a lot of different topics
when it comes to the medical field because so much of our medicine is still
fairly new. What happen at Auschwitz was without question an extreme violation
of any and all medical laws and ethics. It is an amazing story of survival and
the power of the human spirit. To be able to go through what the Jews did in
the Holocaust and survive is an amazing medical phenomenon in itself. The worst
and hardest military schools in the world could not prepare you for what they
went through. In the end the fact that this feeble old woman was able to go
back to the scene of the crime so to speak and give forgiveness to the Nazi for
what they did to her is even more amazing. This is a feat that I have only read
and heard about in church. The direction I think I will take with this essay is
more of a modern day takes on medical ethics and laws. I might take a look into
the Dr. Kevorkian trials and medical ethics of people who are terminally ill
and their rights to make decisions on their own. This is going to be an
interesting topic for me.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
in Florida are failing, but they are not just failing as a school they are
failing the kids attending the school and the communities that these children
will one day live. There are to many dropouts in today’s school and it has
become too easy for a high school student to just decide that they want to quit
school. A lot of the problem can be
routed to the teachers unions who claim to have power in numbers and advocate
teacher tenure. After further research it can be shown that teachers are no
longer receiving tenure here in Florida and soon will be able to make more
money based on their performance in the classroom.
in Florida do not have a very good track record of passing especially here in
Duval County. With every state being able to set their own standard for what
they consider a passing grade, it’s hard to truly tell what state is actually
putting the best graduates. Whatever the standards are that each state is
setting, they are clearly not doing the job with our country falling so far
behind in the past 20 years. In “Waiting for Superman” we learned that failing
neighborhoods are due to failing schools. There are many failing neighborhoods
in Jacksonville. Ed White, Ribault, Forrest, and Raines High School all have
failing grades. They all have received
bad reviews by parents and former teachers ( However, many of
the reviews possibly come from disgruntle parents, teachers, and students.
Matter of fact the only school with an overall passing grade in Duval was First
Coast High School (
All of the other public schools had at least one subject that they were
passing in. With the majority of public schools failing, the charter school
system seems to be a better route for education with most of them having a
higher passing rate (waiting for superman). There are over five hundred charter
schools in Florida alone, with one in seventeen students in Florida attending a
charter school (
hear a lot about teachers unions and tenure when the discussion of schools
comes up. With 857 students dropping out of school every hour across America,
and 6,800 students dropped out of school in northeast Florida alone in 2011
( This makes a good argument as to what really is the
problem, the teacher, the student, or possibly the parents in the home allowing
the teen to drop out of school. It’s easy to accuse the Unions of not being involved
for the right reasons when there total revenue is 30,563,331 (teacher union
exposed). It’s also easy to blame the teachers with them receiving tenure in
under than 3 years in many states and then being able to keep their job no
matter how their students perform. To the contrary, here in Florida it’s quite
hard to receive tenure and with the passing of the Senate Bill 736 as of July
1, 2011 teachers will now be evaluated on their performance. They will be rated
from highly effective to unsatisfactory, with unsatisfactory in two out of three
years resulting in termination of the teacher. In this rating system 50% of the
teachers rating will be on student performance and will be hired on a annual
basis ( As of now many teachers don’t have tenure, a teacher
at west Nassau High told me she has not received tenure in the past 7 years of
service even with high performance marks, and the only teachers with tenure at
her school have been with the department longer than 15 years (Feazel). A good
fact to note is that more student graduating in Duval schools are college ready
in comparison to other counties around Florida. This may be in part to the
harder curriculum that was implemented in 2007. Even with more students
graduating college ready 60% of students that enroll in Florida State College
of Jacksonville are in need of remedial classes (
schools having a failing record here in our own community it is plan and obvious
that something needs to be done to fix our school system. The local government has
noticed the problem and is taking action in the form of laws and bills to make our
teachers more accountable and efficient. The parents of a lot of these failing students
also need to be healed accountable as well. With violence in schools and kids dropping
out without consequences a lot of responsibility lies with the parents of the child
offenders. Sharing the blame is the teachers whom have become lazy with tenure and
guaranteed work, and need to be held accountable as well. Finally the unions who
were once a great idea in the reform of teachers contracts and pay have now out
lived there usefulness and are no longer needed.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Journel 7
I truly enjoyed this video about education in America. It was one that puts a knot in your throat at the end and makes you think about your own education and what the future holds for your children. I have heard and noticed that our schools are getting worse hear in America, but I never really looked that deep into it. I have thought about were my son will go to school one day but more than his actual education I have worried more about his safety. Waiting for Superman really put a different perspective on education and gave me a better way to look at and decide were my kids will attend school. This has been a big deciding factor in where me and my family will buy a home and settle down at for the long haul. The one big thing I did draw from the movie was that the teachers unions seem to be a big problem in our education system. A big part of my essay will probably be in the researching of unions and the good and bad that they cause and do. Its always been my understanding that unions were created for the right reasons but in time have become the death of many organizations or company's in the end. So if this is true, then our education system is in a lot of trouble. Also it made me think and wonder, what path was I put on when I was in school? Also if so many presidents have wanted to change, fix and reform education, then why has no one followed the numbers and changed the system that has been around for 30 years. It truly makes you wonder what is going on behind close doors to cause this system to be ignored and allowed to continue to fail. No one has to see this video to have noticed that our education system is failing!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Essay 6-Misrepsentation
may be the first woman in congress, but I won’t be the last” Jeannette Rankin
once said after being sworn into congress (Women in
Congress). There have been many women over the past few decades
that have stepped onto the job fields that were normally filled by men. Sally
Ride was not only the first American woman to go to space but also was the
first lesbian to do so. Throughout history women have transformed from being
the house wife to being the head of the home. We have seen over the past few
decades that women have begun to fill many high government positions. There has
also been an increasingly negative portrayal of women in advertising as well as
other areas of the media. Women in these positions have all chosen their career
paths and followed them with their own choices. Whether it be congress women,
bikini models or stay at home moms, the choice has been hers to make.
majority of sexually explicate ads are geared toward men, thus there are women
being used as sex symbols to sell a product or service. The truth is that, in
big business the only thing they are concerned about is the almighty dollar.
The one way to sell you product is to advertise and one truth has lasted the
test of time is that sex sells. Dr. Reichert, an advertising professor at the
university’s Grady College of journalism, says “Advertisers use sex because it
can be very effective. People are hard wired to notice sexually relevant
information so ads with sexual content get noticed.” However, a study conducted
by Dr Reichert found that sexually related ads were used 15% of the time in
1983. In 2003 that had risen to 27%, a 12% increase over twenty years. This is
a slow rise to some, but a much larger rise to others (Atkins). Women are
largely used in advertisement as sex objects or sex symbols wearing scantly
clad cloths or bikinis. In 1946 when the bikini was first introduced by Louis
Reard it was not intended to be a sexual devise but more of a celebration of
women’s rights. It didn’t take long before it became a visual stimulant for
advertisers, and in 1946 sports illustrated introduced its first swimsuit issue
politics, woman were originally just the home makers and ones who put together
the food and made the arrangements for the after hour functions. Our country’s
first president in the late 18th century had no women on his cabinet
and not until 1917 would we see our first women in congress. Jeannette Rankin
of Montana was elected to congress and sworn in 1917. With the ratification of
the 19th amendment August 18th 1920 more women would be
elected and appointed to high government positions (Women in Congress). As of 2006, 296 women have
served in congress, although there are only six out of fifty states with female
governors. This shows that over the past
ninety years there has been a large but slow increase in women holding these
positions. The first woman to make a bid for presidential nomination was
Shirley Chisholm who in 1968 was not only the first women but the first
African-American woman to be placed in nomination at a convention by either
party (Britannica).
You can see through the history of our country women in politics have made a
large leap forward becoming 23% of congress. One of the problems facing women
running for office has been the amount of money they have been able to raise
during their candidacy. This is a reflection of how they are viewed. An
unmarried woman is viewed as less likely to share the same family values as
married women and men (Fast Facts about Women in Politics).
history women have gone from being the stay at home moms, which rear the
children, cook, clean, and take care of the home, to quite the opposite.
Throughout history we are seeing more women in politics, Fortune 500 companies,
and becoming the bread winner of the family. There are women in today’s society
that hold positions that would normally be held by a male. As a correctional
officer at a maximum security prison my OIC (officer in charge) is a female,
Captain M. Nipper. Not only does Captain Nipper hold a position that you would
normally expect a man to hold in a male dominate job but, she is also the majority
bread winner in her own family. We are seeing more women growing up, being well
educated and able to take care of themselves, as well as hold jobs that men
have traditionally held. However many women choose not to go into these fields
and would rather stay at home and raise a family. As our society is changing
toward more equal rights for everyone, there are choices for all. You can
choose to stay at home and raise a family or get a job where you can provide
for yourself and need not depend on anyone.
Rankin was the first but was defiantly not the last to be a congress woman. Throughout
our history as a country woman have gone from having no say so in the matters
of home and politics to being the decision makers. Women have gone from
watching elections to being elected. We might one day see a reduction in the
negative representation of women in media as they become a larger figure in the
decision making of America, but we may never truly see it stop completely. With
the choices that we are able to make in this new generation it won’t be long
before we see a woman president and more women making millions as business
owners and the bread winners of the home. I know I wouldn’t mind staying home
to cook and take care of the kids; I’m pretty good at it already.
“Shirley Chisholm". Encyclopædia
Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2013. Web. 01 Apr. 2013
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2013. Web. 01 Apr. 2013
Atkins, William. Sex sells in advertisements: Sexual imagery grabs our attention. IMB. 06 June 2012. Web. 29 March 2013.
N.P. Fast Facts about Women in Politics. Convio. 2010. Web. 27 March 2013.
Sugget, Paul. Sex In Advertising.
Advertising Guide. 2013. Web. 29 March 2013.
N.P. Women in
Congress. YouTube. N.D. Web. 01 April 2013.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Journel 6
This is kind of a hard topic for me. Im not one for political issues such as this one and dont have strong views on it. I do think women are misrepresented in media and very much so in politics. I agree with the idea of having more women in government and I personally think we are on our way as a country to having a female president. It is only a matter of time before it happens and it is only a matter of time before there are an even amount of black, Hispanic and women in all offices of government. This is evident by the president we now have. Women will also begin to join men as the bread winners in the homes across America and will become the CEOs of more and more major corporations. I don't plan on telling my daughter one day to find a good man to support and take care of her, I will tell her live her dreams and get an education so you can take care of yourself, and if need be take care of your family. I know it would not hurt my pride one bit if my spouse made more money than me and I was placed in her role as the parent at home cooking, cleaning and raising the kids. I actually think i would do better at cooking and cleaning if I had the time to stay at home and learn,but since my spouse wants to stay at home I will gladly do what is necessary to provide as the bread winner.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Journel 5
OK. I thought the video was quite interesting and had me look at grocery
shopping in a hole new light. The amount of product that a store such
as Winn-Dixie and Publix waste is amazing to me. I will make it a point
to research what Winn-Dixie and our local grocery stores do to minimize
there waste. I liked how the video touched on the poverty of other third
world countries, however I think he was very ill informed of why some
of those countries are where they are. Many of there own governments are
the reason famine and starvation are such a problem. They steal much of
the money and food that is sent there to feed the hungry and ration it
out as they see fit. Until more is done to regulate these small dictator
ran countries we should not worry ourselves with sending mass amounts
of money and food. Some of the facts that were presented in the video
were quite astounding to me and I look forward to finding more and
arguing about them.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
American Dream
The American dream can be many different things to many
different people, but the American dream is really whatever the dreamer wants
it to be. It can be anything from owning a home and having a family, to being
famous and rich. Some peoples dream is simply doing what you love, and being
happy doing it. You can look around and see people and think they are living
the American dream. Pursuing this dream no matter what it may be is what makes
this country great. It is your choice to do so or not. It is your dream that
you must define and try to achieve. There are many things needed to achieve
your dreams, and it is up to each person to put the right people and devices
around them to do so.
The American dream to me is owning my own home on a nice piece
of land. I want a lot of kids and my dream is to raise them to be good people.
I believe God has given me the knowledge and ability to be a good father, due
to the many ups, downs and adventures I have had in my life. Having a job I
enjoy and making a quality income is required (to me) to achieve my American
dream. While I was an X-Ray tech in the ARMY I learned that I enjoyed working
in a hospital and even more working with children. Working as a nurse is
something I want in order to help people and it will also allow me to achieve
my dream financially. With a nurse in the state of Florida making an income
from 41,123–79,574, and an average of 55,231, this is a career field where I
can help people while making a decent income.
There are many people out there you can look at and say
they are living the American dream. Some may say growing up to be president of
the United States is the ultimate idea of the American dream. You can say
President Obama has lived the American dream by becoming the first black
president and writing his own chapter in history. Others may say the American
dream is to own their own business. Whether it is starting your own business
from the ground up or taking over a long time family business. Being
Financially Independent seems to be the majority favorite and ultimate goal
when pursuing the American dream. Most people don’t care what they do, as long
as the income is an extremely high amount. However I truly agree with Mo Garcia
when he said “money follows passion”.
the American dream and fulfilling it is accomplished in many different ways.
Professional Athletes all seem to have lived or are living their American
dream. From Professional Football Players, to NASCAR Drivers, to Olympic
Athletes they all are doing something that many people, mostly children, view
as a dream job. Business owners appear to be pursuing their dreams, however
many of them will tell you it is a very stressful dream to pursue. With the
recent suicides in Pro Football, it would make you wonder if they are truly
living their dream. Being famous is sought by many but achieved by few. Famous
actresses and actors appear to be living in a dream with all the wealth and the
fame they’ve acquired. However with all the fame comes a life that is no longer
very private and causes some famous people to turn to drugs and even sometimes,
suicide. So living that kind of lifestyle doesn’t look as promising and is
truly only for those that really want it.
Having an idea in your head and in your heart as to what
you dream is and actually achieving that dream takes many different routes.
Depending on what your dream is or where you want to be in life, there are
going to be different routes to get there. If it is wanting to help people and
save lives like being a nurse, it’s going to take a lot of school to achieve
your dreams. If you want to become an athlete, there will be a lot of training
and a lot of exercise. Warren Buffett once said “Someone sitting in the shade
today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” No matter what your
dream, it is only going to come to light if you surround yourself with the
right influences, and plan on starting small and work your way to the top. The
key is a good mentor to keeping you on track and preparing you for the hardship
that will lay ahead on your journey.
When pursuing your dream it’s not how many times you fall
down but how many times you get back up. I understand that there are going to
be many ups and downs on my road to an education, good job, and a nice home. I
plan on achieving that with help from my wife and family. The career or job
that you choose to pursue in your life will have its ups and downs no matter
what it is. Understanding what it takes to get there and placing the right
people and mentors around you is key necessity in achieving your dreams.
Maurice Garcia “Find your passion, Live
your purpose” Lecture Florida State Collage Jacksonville Kent Campus
for Warren Buffett Quote
For Nurse Salary in Florida
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